Operating Authority
System Operator
The System Operator has authority and responsibility for switching and clearances on lines, cables, stations, and equipment for the District’s electric system. The System Operator issues orders to open and close switches (including underground elbows), to place and remove cards, and to de-energize or clear lines, cables, stations, and equipment on which employee/workers shall work.
The System Operator has the authority to de-energize, or order deenergized any District lines, cables, equipment or stations in an emergency situation according to their best judgment when life or property is endangered or when requested by an emergency agency official. Once the electric system is restored to its normal status, the System Operator shall notify the Energy Control Center (ECC) Superintendent or Duty Supervisor.
If no System Operator/Generation Operator/Constructor is in charge of the lines or equipment and their means of disconnection, one employee/worker in the crew shall be designated as being in charge of the clearance. See WAC 296-45-335. See Field Clearance Section.
Patrolling Requirements
The System Operator shall dispatch qualified employee(s)/worker(s) for a 12kV Distribution circuit that has relayed to lockout. A line crew may be used to patrol a locked-out circuit for storm and emergency conditions.
For locked-out circuits that have been issued a Hot Line Hold, please refer to Section D, page 3 of 4 in this Switching & Clearance Procedure Manual.
All parties involved in the patrolling of the locked-out circuit shall continuously monitor their radios on the correct channel during and after the patrol.
The Foreman for a patrolling line crew will be the designated radio contact during and after the patrol.
Patrolling of the locked-out circuit will encompass the entire circuit from the source breaker to all open 12kV switches and fault isolating devices.
After the circuit has been patrolled and no damage has been reported or known damage has been isolated, the System Operator can re-energize the locked-out circuit after all parties involved in the patrol have been reported in the clear. If all patrolling parties cannot be verified in the clear, the System Operator shall dispatch out the party that can be contacted to locate the other patrolling parties and verify they are in the clear prior to re-energization of the locked-out 12kV circuit.
If patrolling the entire circuit cannot be accomplished, a local or remote closing of the locked-out circuit may be done by the System Operator or Field Personnel upon mutual agreement between the System Operator and Field Personnel.
Generation Operator/Constructor
The term “Generation Operator/Constructor”, as used in this manual, shall apply to the employee/worker having immediate jurisdiction over the operation of the District’s Hydro Generating Facility not under ECC control.
No device(s) or equipment shall be operated without an order from the System Operator/Generation Operator/Constructor.
- Lines and equipment operating 600 volts and below are operated according to the Accident Prevention Manual
- Overhead cut-out(s) on the same pole directly feeding an overhead transformer(s)
- Underground padmount transformer Bayonet fuse(s)
- Control power (CPT) or potential transformer (PT) fuse in a substation
- All overhead laterals with only one source of feed
- Battery Energy Storage Systems
Switching, Clearance & Work Requests
Applications for switching shall be made using the following minimum notifications:
- All Design Drawings must have the appropriate approvals before submitting the Switch Request
- All Switch Requests received after 1400 (2:00 pm) will not be reviewed until the next business day
- Transmission work not affecting the Bulk Electric System (BES) at least five (5) business days in advance
- Transmission work affecting the BES at least fifteen (15) business days in advance
Request Type Hours Hot Line Hold 24 Field Clearance 24 DNO 24 Fiber 24 Notification 24-72 New Construction (primary) 72 Clearance 48 Load Transfer 24 Breaker Tie 24 Relay Work 24 OT, IT, ICCP 48
These applications shall be filled out completely on the Switching Request Form. The System Operator shall notify the requestor as soon as possible in the event the switching is canceled. The Energy Control Center will make an attempt to accommodate all same day requests, based on the scope of the Switching Request for distribution switching and clearances only.
To energize new construction work that is assigned and shall be completed in the same work shift, a Switching Request shall be provided to the Energy Control Center before the work begins and the Lead employee/worker shall receive authorization from a System Operator before energizing lines, cables, and stations.
The System Operator is authorized to order switching and/or issue a clearance without prior notification only with the approval of the Energy Control Center Superintendent, General Foreman or System Operator. Notification time does not include weekends and holidays.
All potential OT/IT changes that affect infrastructure or software that can possibly cause an outage or affect equipment associated with ICCP data transmission, SCADA functionality or potential loss of tele-communication with the Reliability Coordinator or Neighboring Utilities such as Seattle City Light, Puget Sound Energy and Bonneville Power Administration shall require a 10 day notice with the implementer of the change submitting a switching request outlining the scope of work and potential systems that will be affected.
The System Operator/Generation Operator/Constructor shall attempt to contact employee/workers known to be in or around the substation equipment or devices to be operated remotely. There may be no notification to these people when these devices are operated in emergency conditions.
All employees entering an energized District substation and performing work that could affect the operation of substation devices shall notify the System Operator/Generation Operator/Constructor before proceeding with their work.
Additionally, if there are other employees working in the substation at the same time, a careful review of the work each is completing shall be conducted by the employees. If the substation is under a clearance, the clearance holder will determine what work can be done while the clearance is in place.
Upon receiving notification from an employee entering a substation to perform work, the System Operator /Generation Operator/Constructor will determine if there are existing clearance(s) in place. If a clearance is in place, and the employee will be performing work that could affect a point of clearance, the employee will be directed to contact the clearance holder to review the scope of the work to be performed. The clearance holder has full responsibility of the lines, cables and equipment within the clearance boundaries and will make the final decision whether the work can be completed in a safe manner or if the work should be postponed and/or rescheduled.
Qualification of Mutual Aid/Contract Personnel
Prior to the ECC issuing any clearances, they shall receive the names of Mutual Aid/Contract Personnel qualified to receive a District clearance.
See Clearance Procedures for District Employees Section.
Interconnections with Foreign Utilities
The System Operator has jurisdiction over interconnections with foreign utilities and systems. Where lines of foreign utilities are involved in the operation of the District’s electric system, the System Operator shall cooperate with Dispatchers of foreign utilities. Terminal Clearances for the foreign utility or generation facility shall be tagged with a Master Safety Card. See WAC 296-45-335 (14).
Interconnections with Customer Primary Systems
Where the customer primary system is mapped and under the control of the Energy Control Center, the System Operator shall issue orders for switching and clearances on the customer’s lines, cables, stations, and equipment and shall be tagged with a Master Safety Card.
Where the customer primary system is not identified, the System Operator shall not issue orders for switching and clearances. Employees working on customer owned primary systems shall be provided with a means of identifying the lines and equipment to be worked on, and shall ensure the lines, cables, stations, and equipment are de-energized, identified, isolated, and tagged with a Master Safety Card, tested and grounded before any work begins. The employee/worker(s) shall establish their field clearance under these conditions. See Field Clearance Section.
Customers may also have Lock-Out and Tag-Out Procedures that shall be observed. See WAC 296-45-335 (2b & c).